jueves, marzo 4


Invitación para hoy jueves 4 de marzo en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en San Diego, en donde participaremos el interdisciplinario La Línea y Caltranzit con la intervención Taxi Babel.

Para direcciones y flyer ir a abrilcastro.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 4 @ 7 PM
First Thursdays @ MCASD
1001 Kettner Blvd. at Broadway
Non-Members $3 Donation Suggested; Members Free

Opening Night / Cerca Series: Anne Mudge
Live Performances / Scarlet Symphony and Operatic

The March TNT welcomes the opening of Cerca Series: Anne Mudge. The San Diego artist's work, TapRoot, consists of a single length of stainless steel rope unwound into surprisingly delicate configurations, and represents a preview of the series of sculptures that were commissioned for the new trolley station at San Diego State University. The artist will be in the galleries for a Q&A session, followed with live music by the Joe Guevara Jazz Trio.

After checking out the galleries, wind yourself up on the plaza at 8 pm with Scarlet Symphony, who will shake you with their Nintendo-generation, futuristic art rock sound. At 9 pm, Operatic performs, tugging at your heartstrings while punching you in the gut with their angular, tension-wrought anthems.

Also at TNT will be Taxi Babel, a Caltranzit collaboration between various artists living in Tijuana (Yonke Art, La Linea, Omar Pimienta) and UCSD Visual Arts students. This project focuses on a 1975 Chevy Malibu that acts
as a perpetually transforming multimedia sculpture shared between the artists. Caltranzit is an alternative public transportation service equipped with webcams waiting to serve and view you!

For more information, visit www.mcasd.org

Support for TNT is provided by Stone Brewing Company, 91X, and San Diego CityBeat.